Data Governance

Integrating data from multiple sources requires collaborative and ongoing decision-making about how data will be defined, matched, stored, updated, reported, and protected

Nebraska’s early childhood care and education ecosystem includes numerous agencies, programs, and providers. Each agency or ECIDS partner participates in this project through documented data sharing agreements that specify the data provided and applicable limitations for its use. ECIDS systems are complicated, and integrating data from multiple sources requires collaborative and ongoing decision-making about how data will be defined, matched, stored, updated, reported, and protected. Compiling and sharing information collected from various sources can spark concerns about individual privacy rights and proper data monitoring, security, and use—especially when that information is collected about the care and education of Nebraska’s youngest citizens.

The Data ECIDS Uses 

​Types of data used by ECIDS include childcare licensing, program and service information, enrollment, and demographics. ECIDS sources data from both publicly available/aggregate data systems (i.e., U.S. Census Data, the Head Start Program Information Report, DHHS Childcare Licensing roster) and from state administrative databases with individual child level data (i.e., NDE’s ADVISER) This information can help practitioners and policymakers to better understand the demand for and availability of care and education, ensure equitable opportunities for families and children, and support early education professionals across the state. 

Safeguarding the Data

​​Data privacy and security are at the heart of the design, management, and governance of Nebraska’s ECIDS. The state uses modern, sophisticated systems to safeguard information and store data in secure manners according to industry best practices. All sensitive information is protected and managed according to several national, state, and agency policies. ECIDS ensures that no data will be released or reported in any manner that will allow the identification of any individual person, student, or teacher.

The main federal legislation related to the management of education records is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records and gives the parent, guardian, or education decision-maker the right to access, request changes, and control the discloser of personally identifiable information (PII) from those records. ECIDS may also include data protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), which sets national standards for the protection of individually identifiable health information and requirements for safeguarding its confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information. Confidentiality for certain early childhood programs is also covered under provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). All staff and organizational partners are trained in the implementation of these laws and related state and local policies and strictly follow them when collecting, accessing, storing, and reporting data.  

Enhancing ECIDS Data Governance

​A strong data governance process and structure provides the mechanism to share data safely and effectively and to ensure accountability for the ECIDS information assets. Collaboratively, NDE and DHHS share responsibility to establish a formalized set of interagency policies, procedures, and data sharing agreements for responsible management and use of early childhood data. Forthcoming data governance work includes strategic planning for ECIDS 2.0 and development of a Data Governance structure, manual, and training. We will work to incorporate data governance for ECIDS into our existing state structures and formalize the creation of a data governance council/board, including representatives from data owners and relevant stakeholders.

Visit the ECIDS Data Explorer